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Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust

CVMS Sixth Form Pupils Teach Classics & Latin at Local Primary School

A group of Cardinal Vaughan Lower Sixth Form pupils have been leading Classics and Latin sessions for pupils at St John XXIII Catholic Primary School, White CityThomas A and James A have been teaching Latin, and so far they have covered The Family, Rooms of the House, Roman Numerals, Colours, Animals, Places, and Latin Verbs. Sybil G and Elena D have also been teaching Classics.

Sybil comments: "We started classics club in November 2023 and it has been a great experience. We have been teaching Year 6 pupils at St John’s about various aspects of Greek mythology and practices including Hercules, the Greek gods, Theseus, temples, and sacrifice. We have really enjoyed planning the lessons and getting to know the pupils and it has taught us the importance of leadership and teamwork."

Well done to the Sixth Formers who have dedicated their time to planning and leading these sessions over the last few months.