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Saint John Southworth Catholic Academy Trust

A Private Meeting with His Eminence, Cardinal Nichols

Alexandra and Enrique, Head Girl and Head Boy at St Joseph’s, along with Mr Stacey, Head of School, had the pleasure and privilege of meeting His Eminence, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster on Wednesday 10 March in a private meeting in the Chapel of St Joseph at Westminster Cathedral.

In a very special ending to their Giving Day and to celebrate the Feast of St Joseph, Head Prefects, Mr Stacey, and Cardinal Nichols all offered prayers for the St Joseph’s community. It was a moving and memorable experience, and we are incredibly grateful that Cardinal Nichols prayed for our school and its community.

Alexandra and Enrique then lit 12 candles in the Chapel: eight for St Joseph's classes, one for staff, one for governors and their priests, and one for peace.

Thank you to everyone who has supported St Joseph's Giving Day and continues to support the school so generously, and to Cardinal Nichols for praying for members of our community.